Lenguas y Lingüística :  en · es · fr · zh

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Lenguas y Lingüística

Búsqueda rápida:

Aboriginal Languages of Australia Aboriginal Languages of Australia
There are more than 200 Australian Indigenous languages. Less than 20 languages are strong, and even these are endangered: the others have been destroyed, live in the memories of the elderly, or are being revived by their communities. This site has annotated links to 180 resources for about 60 languages. About 25% of these resources are produced or published by Indigenous people.
see also: Aboriginal Studies.
this resource in English is indexed under: Estudios Regionales, Lenguas y Lingüística.
Francophonie Francophonie
A VL devoted to the peoples and culture of the World that are united by their usage of the French Language.
this resource in French is indexed under: Asuntos Internacionales, Lenguas y Lingüística.

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