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Aeronomy, Solar-Terrestrial Physics and Chemistry (Space Physics) Aeronomy, Solar-Terrestrial Physics and Chemistry (Space Physics)
An actively maintained collection of space physics links.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Air et Espace, Physique.
Free Electron Lasers Free Electron Lasers
A Free Electron Laser generates tunable, coherent, high power radiation, currently spanning wavelengths from millimeter to visible and potentially ultraviolet to x-ray. It can have the optical properties characteristic of conventional lasers such as high spatial coherence and a near diffraction limited radiation beam. It differs from conventional lasers in using a relativistic electron beam as its lasing medium, as opposed to bound atomic or molecular states, hence the term free-electron.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Physique.
Laser Physics and Technology Laser Physics and Technology
This encyclopedia explains basic terms and principles of laser physics and technology, with some content added from other topics such as general optics, nonlinear optics, and quantum optics.
ceci en allemand est classé dans: Ingénierie, Lumière, Physique.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Ingénierie, Lumière, Physique.

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