Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento :  en · es · fr · zh

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Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento

Búsqueda rápida:

Archaeology Archaeology
ArchNet serves as the World Wide Web Virtual Library for Archaeology.
this resource in English is indexed under: Arqueología, Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento.
UK Disability Resources UK Disability Resources
The WWW Virtual Library of UK Disability Resources: Products and Services, sports and the arts, good health, education, social care and mobility aids.(Ableize, Britain.)
this resource in English is indexed under: Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento, Medicina y Salud.
Economics Economics
Composed of two sub-sites, RFE: Resources for Economists on the Internet and WebEC: WWW Resources in Economics, which together comprise the WWW Virtual Library Economics. The latter is no longer maintained.
this resource in English is indexed under: Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento, Economía y Comercio.
Evolutionary Philosophy Virtual Library of Evolutionary Philosophy
Since the theory of evolution gained widespread acceptance in the late 1800s, scientists and philosophers have been searching for ways to relate evolution to how we live, how we interact with society, and how we think of our place in existence. This VL contains links to resources relating to the philosophical implications of the theory of evolution.
this resource in English is indexed under: Ciencias Humanas, Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento.
Riesgos naturales Natural Hazards and Risk Virtual Library
Un directorio de enlaces a sitios con información sobre los avances y el estudio de los riesgos naturales, el análisis y gestión del riesgo y la gestión de emergencias.
this resource in English is indexed under: Ciencias Naturales y Matemática, Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento.
Urban Environmental Management Urban Environmental Management
The UEM Homepage is an output of the Urban Environmental Management Research Initiative (UEMRI), a grouping of urban planning researchers from around the world. It looks at urban areas as the intersection of natural, built, and socio-economic environments, creating sustainable ecosystems.
this resource in English is indexed under: Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento, Ciencias de la Tierra.

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